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Treasure Hunt


When my siblings and I were younger, we loved creating treasure hunts for each other. They could last for up to an hour, depending on how elaborate we had made them.

Elaborate and long treasure hunts are not the most ideal for younger children, but you can easily simplify treasure hunts to a handful of easy clues, leading to the elusive, but rewarding treasure at the end.

Some examples of clues for younger children could be:

Good night, I’m sleepy! Time to tuck me in!

The clue is hidden underneath the covers in the child’s bed.

Let’s go outside! What do we need to put on our feet?

The clue would be hidden in the child’s shoes.

Splish-splash, it’s time to get clean!

The clue is hidden in the bathtub.

Let’s get dressed, where do we keep our clothes?

The clue is hidden in the dresser or closet.

These are just some examples, you can get creative and tailor the clues to things you have in your house! For example, your child might have a favourite toy, or you might have a decorative piece (that isn’t too delicate) that you can hide a clue in. You can hide clues in books, with pictures of family members or even with household members! Get creative! Make sure that the clues are easily accessible to children and there’s nothing around the clue that could easily be broken.

You could make a theme to your treasure hunt. Maybe you’re a group of pirates, searching for your lost bounty, or maybe you’re detectives, following a trail of clues to solve a case. Get into character and make simple costumes if you want!

Make sure you have something fun at the end of the hunt! Maybe one of your child’s favourite stuffed animals was hiding at the end, or you could use a small treat or toy.

Have fun and happy hunting!

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