Jelly Roll Ups

My daughter likes to eat Jell-O almost every day. One day I found a good recipe of jelly and marshmallow. It is called jelly roll-ups or jelly pinwheels. This recipe is a fun one that is super kids friendly and easy to make. The kids will love them, and I think they are so fun to make. You can use any coloured Jell-O you like – the marshmallows will take on any colour you choose.

1 small package of Jell-O (10g)
1 cup of boiling water (250g)
1 cup of small marshmallows (250g)
measure cup
spray oil
baking pan
How to make Jelly Roll-ups

Step 1. Lightly spray cooking oil on the baking pan and make sure it is spread well up the sides also. Do not spray oil too much because you do not want it tasting of cooking oil.

Step 2. Pour Jell-O packet into bowl and mix with boiling water.

Step 3. Add the marshmallows to the bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds to soften them up. If marshmallows did not dissolve, whisk them until melted.

Step 4. Pour quickly into prepared pan and chill in the fridge for 1 hour or until well set. The marshmallow layer will rise to the top.

Step 5. Remove the baking pan from the fridge. Use butter knife around the edge of the pan to loosen it from the sides and then peel up the corners. Roll up tightly. It takes a few rotations before the roll starts sticking to itself without trying to unroll back flat again. Cut the jelly roll-ups on the snack size.
Have fun to make Jelly roll-ups!