Jellyfish Salt Painting

This is a fun process art activity that kids can free paint while they watch the paint colors mix and travel along the lines of salt and glue.
Card Stock Paper
Paint Brush or Pipettes
Liquid Watercolors or Food Coloring mixed with water
First you’ll squeeze your glue designs onto your card stock paper.

Sprinkle your design with salt until it is covered and then shake the excess salt off.

If you don’t have liquid watercolor paints for this step, then you can use food coloring. Take some plastic cups filled with some water and place a few drops of food coloring into each cup.
You’ll then dip your paintbrush into the paint and gently touch the salt covered glue lines and magically watch the paint travel and mix colors.

If you’d like, a medicine dropper or a pipette would work well for this activity too. Once you’re finished painting you can set it aside to dry for a day or two.